Saturday, May 11, 2013

Our first week...

Well, we made it!

After a very long 22 hour car ride (split up into two days, of course) we made it to San Antonio!  It was actually really fun to drive with each other down here.  Every few hours I'd ask Austin if he wanted me to drive and every time he declined.  I found out when we were in Albuquerque staying overnight that he wanted to say he drove the whole way there.  I had no problem with that.
The first night here was kind of hard.  It took a while for them to figure out our contract and everything, so we hung out in the office for about an hour until we could finally go up to our apartment.  Our apartment is supposed to be furnished, and it was, but when we walked in the TV was missing as well as a kitchen table.  Our bed was covered in plastic and we didn't know we could take it off.  So we laid down on it and both started crying because of how uncomfortable it was.  (It was memory foam...which we are both not fans of.) We were exhausted, and a lot of things had already gone having an uncomfortable bed was the last straw of the night and we had a little crying session.  Since then, we found out we could take the plastic off and it's been a lot better :)  Besides that, we absolutely love our apartment!  All the furniture is new and really nice.  We have a cute little balcony and a big walk in closet (for the few clothes we brought with us) and plenty of room for my shoes!  ;) It also has a pool, which I have spent much time at and gives me something to do when Austin is gone.
It has been quite an adventure so far!  Austin has made a lot of friends who are on his team and he starts work at 8:30 in the morning and doesn't get home until about 10 at night.  He's been working really hard and I'm so grateful for a husband who's willing to work so hard in crazy conditions.  It's still spring here and it feels like the middle of summer in's so hot.  There's only one other guy here who has a wife, and we've become friends along with her 2 darling kids.  I've been spending my time working at the office with some crazy people, but it's a good way to pass the time.
We've already had some amazing mexican food here, and are excited for more!  It's been so fun to live in a new city and step out of our comfort zones (big time).  We ventured out to the River Walk, unknowingly, but we weren't able to see the river.  We went to see Iron Man, which was amazing by the way, at the River Walk mall but the movie theater was pretty equivalent to Kaysville Theater.

Anyway, this was not supposed to be a long post.  Sorry to whoever reads this.  But here's some pictures! Sorry for the weird order/orientation.
Stopped here in ABQ...delicious!

This is our "We're halfway there!" celebration picture :)

There's TONS of room for these babies!
This is our very uncomfortable bed, which we are getting used to.

Bedroom again

Living Room

Taco Cabana!
Our hallway
My desk in the corner at the office
Aaaand...the bathroom.

We're having a lot of fun so far on this summer adventure and are excited for what's to come:)

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